
April 25 in Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachaevo-Circassia celebrated the republican holiday of the 185th anniversary of the Circassian (Adyghe) flag


The Circassian public of Abkhazia celebrated this day with a rally on the embankment of the Mahajirs in the city of Sukhum.

"The Adyghe flag symbolizes the revival and unification of the Adygeyan ethnos, which suffered a terrible humanitarian catastrophe in the 19th century, the consequences of which still affect the descendants. Representatives of the Adyghe ethnos of Abkhazia celebrated the Day of the Adyghe flag for the second time. By tradition, a rally with flags will be held on the embankment of the Mahajirs, young people will perform folk dances.

Day of the Circassian flag is celebrated since 2010. Traditionally, in the republics of Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachaevo-Cherkessia, the Circassian public organizes concerts, horse crossings, rallies, sports and other festivities. This date is also celebrated by the descendants of Circassian emigrants in more than 50 countries around the world.

For the first time, the English traveler Edmund Spencer, who was in Cherkessia in the 1830s, mentioned the Circassian flag in his book Journey to Cherkessia, Crimea-Tataria ....

In 1992, the Adyghe (Circassian) flag was approved as the national flag of Adygea. It is a green rectangular field, on which are depicted three crossed golden arrows and 12 golden stars. 12 stars mean the union of the main, the largest tribes (subethnoses) of the Adygeyan people. Three crossed arrows symbolize the unification of the three main princely families. The green color of the canvas symbolizes Islam.