
Exclusive interviews for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Abkhazia with Syrian returnees


Mr. Munir Bakir Kodjba

Dean retired, married with two children, Mr. Hossam and Mr. Tariq , who is also in the Republic of Abkhazia, he studied communications in the Republic of Czechoslovakia for three years , then finished his specialty in this area in the Republic of Russia for a year and a half , also he completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Damascus, specialization English. Returning to the Republic of Abkhazia on 23 \ 8 \ 2012 on his account . Was received at the home of his brother, Mr. Amer , who is in Abkhazia 30 years ago and now he is living temporarily in a house presented to his nephew .

Mr. Munir : “I'm working now a professor at the Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, with a small salary , and with the help of a returning Turks from the same family, I was able to opening a cafe modest and I work in it part-time , i was presented house by The Committee since around the year , but unfortunately it uninhabitable and I up to the minute waiting to start to repair it and outfitted . And as a member of the older Syrians Returnees wish from my heart to increase cooperation between the Commission and the Board to resolve and address the problems of Returnees specifically those related to the study of children and the material assistance, until now, did not crystallize our role effectively and did not take our views seriously, and we do not know about the plans for the distribution of houses. From the moment I arrived to my motherland i began adapting with the community and the feeling of stability and safety is increasing and I am trying hard to erase those differences of the customs and traditions that we face with the local population, after all what our ancestors suffered throughout history of migrations, our longing  to return to the homeland become an essential need in order to building a stable future for our grandchildren and clinch a sense of alienation from their hearts and to insure a quiet life for them”.

Mrs. Wafaa KHaj Bara

Mr. Munir’s wife runs a cafe Ochkts (defunct) finished high school in Syria opened and ran a kindergarten mastered a bit of the French language.

(Since the opening of the cafe, and I working in it full-time, we offer all Syrian foods and received the admiration of all categories, in particular from the Turks. Opening was attended by a delegation from the body committee headed by Mr. Khrebs , we began to establish our lives here, but I'm having simple trouble to work on my own in the kitchen of the cafe with the inability to hire someone to help me because of the lack of yield, but i will try hard to achieve my dream to create a Syrian kitchen known at the level of the Republic of Abkhazia in order to deliver the taste of Syrian foods to all Abkhaz , so all i'm asking for is a help to get an appropriate publicity to promote the cafe).