
Exclusive interviews for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Abkhazia with Syrian returnees


Mrs. Suzan Fathi Abaza ( Marchan).

 Came to Dagestan in order to college , and then moved on to complete her studies in the Republic of Abkhazia in 1987 at the request of some people ( Vienna Avzba - Guinea Alamiya ) . Remained thier about seven years , married from the well-known painter and sculptor Gavin Samr and had one boy Godissa Samr . Returned to Syria with the ending of the war in Abkhazia , where she worked there in the company of the Ministry of Economy and then in a subsidiary of the Ministry of Electricity .

" I went back to Syria but my heart stayed hanging in this country , it was overjoyed when I decided to come back here again , renewed my relationships with old friends, visiting and socializing with them again . Been offering me an apartment in Sukhumi by my ex-husband . And work in Committee returning as Head of translation into Arabic Department of International Relations , with a simple salary , but my relationship is good  with my superiors in work , I'm having some minor problems in my position as a returnee working in the Committee , where I can see the problems faced by both the Committee and Returnee , so i hope from the returnee to understand and respect the reality and  the laws of Abkhazia , and wish from the Committee to deal with patience and to understand their situation as a return not mastered the language and understand the psychological stress they are experiencing .

I saw a remarkable development yet simple , which passed the Republic of Abkhazia  , especially on the level of trade ( import and export ) , so I wish prosperity and wealth for the country and for the good people , whom fought for the independence of their country.