
Exclusive interviews for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Abkhazia with Syrian returnees


Mr.Jambut  Abaza Ajiba

Return from Kingdom of Jordan, and then went to live with his father in Saudi Arabia work in different free business such as manager  in private cleanings company and  supervisor in the natural gases lab , speaks English and has extensive experience in the Internet, in addition to his experience, fish farming and marine design basins in different sizes and  shapes. attended to the Republic of Abkhazia in November \ 2013 at the invitation of Mr. Botha Ojiba, married to the returnee Dania Abaza and now awaiting their first child.

I am now working in the field of agriculture (greenhouses), which is a difficult area and new to me, but I'm trying to get used to it becuse of the chances of the difficulty working are scant and in the Republic of Abkhazia, began to learn the language but  slowly to lack of time, but nevertheless my relationship status is very good at work and in society Abkhaz and with the people around me and merged easily with them through helping and participat  in their  social events. Was presented to me a house in the  village of Khibsta province Gudauta  after my marriage by the Committee of returnee also provided to my wife the monthly material assistance allocated for pregnant women. I hope that I find a work with monthly income that fits me more than my current work which paying me a percentage at the end of the season.

I thank the government of  Abkhazia and the Committee of returnees in general and Mr. Khrebs Jobwa , Mr. Bota Ajiba in particular for all assistance they have given and I wish the progress and prosperity of the State Government.