
Waterfall «Ashtadu»


Road to waterfall in Gup lies in the direction of Tkuarchal, a famous mining town, founded in 1948 on the deposits of brown coal.

From the main road you need to turn on the waterfall. Mountain road winds through the hills. On reaching the river Gup further you need to continue on foot (about 500 meters), which lies on the bed of the river to the waterfall.

The road passes under the canopy of the subtropical forest. Nice cool, gurgling water - all this creates a completely unique mood. Gup waterfall is not as high as, for example, Gega waterfall, but its unique charm, lies in the surrounding rocks, green vines. Around waterfall you can swim and climbing on natural ledges up, make dizzying jumps into the dark deep water. Downstream the river is canyon. To get to it you can only swim a few meters between the high cliffs and narrow.